Physics C Lab

Guys, AP Physics C is pretty awesome.  This lab required our group to calculate the precise angle of a launcher and vertical and horizontal distance from a 3in ring for a ball to shoot from the launcher through the ring.  We had to calculate the initial velocity of the ball and find the perfect mix to make this work.  This was our first shot at it and it worked! Hence my epic expression.

Click Here to Watch!

Robert Johnson and Innovation

Robert Leroy Johnson is undoubtedly regarded as the most influential blues player of all time; his humble tapestry of records is not only the complete essence of blues, but also has made a substantial mark on the then-new genre of rock and roll (Cub). Born in 1911 in the Mississippi delta, Johnson faced countless prejudices based on his race, and his environment was far from stable. He married Virginia Travis who died shortly after during childbirth and, later, he married Caletta Craft, who also died one year later during childbirth. As stated by members of his wives’ families, these deaths were Johnson’s punishments for singing secular songs as opposed to Christian Gospel. As if to prove their point, Johnson is said to have “once stood at Mississippi crossroads and sold his soul to the devil in exchange for guitar-playing prowess” (Robert Johnson Biography). However, through it all, he has become known, even to non- musical connoisseurs, by his songs “Cross Road Blues,” “Sweet Home Chicago,” and countless others. Continue reading “Robert Johnson and Innovation”

From Music to Ants to Us: Emergence

There’s this girl I’ve been dating. Whenever we’re driving in my van, she connects her phone to the speaker system and plays music. Nothing abnormal here, you may say. And in fact, this would seem like a normal exchange but that between each song, she turns down the volume until she can see what song is playing next and then turns it back up (sometimes having skipped through a few songs, sometimes not). When I asked her why she does this – especially because I’m her boyfriend and thus already know what kind of music she listens to – she replies that one can never be too careful; music says a lot about a person, you know. Continue reading “From Music to Ants to Us: Emergence”

GOP Responses to Obama’s SOTU’s

PreScript: Please, don’t let your political bias impact whether you read this.

In this blog, I will discuss and attempt to break apart and compare two Republican Resposnes to Obama’s first State of the Union for each term (2010 and 2014).  Each was given to spur Republican feelings among the people, contrary to the Democratic feelings Obama was hopeful to evoke.  Let’s start with the differences. Continue reading “GOP Responses to Obama’s SOTU’s”

The Manifestation of Manifest Destiny: The War On Terror

Let me make this clear in the first sentence: I am by no means, in this post, advocating for or against military action of any form in the Middle East.  OK, now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about Bush.  I don’t know exactly the Bush Administration’s complete motives for going to war in the Middle East, and I won’t pretend to.  Some say it was oil; others say it was the elimination of terrorism.  Whatever the cause, the United States of America is now ending an almost thirteen year war against belligerent groups of radicals and fundamentalists in attempt to gain stability in the Middle East and to put an end to terrorism everywhere.  Let’s go back a few hundred years.  The United States was in a national state of greed (known as “Manifest Destiny”), in love with the idea that the God-beloved America was manifestly destined by God to be His nation and to spread this idea of a Christian democracy through the entire North American continent, specifically to the west coast.  Without all the religion (which, by the way, played a HUGE role), we Americans are better than everyone else and our government system was better than all others, and, by this token, we will (and should) thrive.  This is a very conceited and nerve-racking thought, and yet, as I sit at my computer on the north side of Chicago, IL, it makes me feel proud and a little voice in my head says, “Go America!”  I can’t say that I blame those 19th century Americans for feeling this way.  I believe that there is some sort of identity that everyone can find in their country, and that being a bit nationalistic every once and awhile never hurt anybody . . . except Iraq and just about everyone around there. Continue reading “The Manifestation of Manifest Destiny: The War On Terror”